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How to stay fit in a "Sit Down" job

Updated: Jan 15, 2020

Having a sit down job has it's perks but keeping you in shape is not one of them. Most people who sit at their jobs often have a difficult time staying or getting in shape because they are always sitting down. I myself had difficulties staying in shape the first time when I got an office job and I had to create ways to help me stay in shape and I have listed them below.

1. Never keep processed snacks in the office: Having snacks especially the processed and unhealthy kinds staring at you for eight hours a day can increase your chances of gaining weight. This is because people often rely on food for comfort and to relieve stress. Because work days can be stressful sometimes, having them around can make you more vulnerable to munch on them. Some quick examples of processed snacks are Chips, gummy bears, Candy, etc..

2. Standing Desk: My standing desk has become my "life saver". I used to get back pains because I was always sitting down. (Also my sitting posture was not always good). I finally got my company to purchase a standing desk for me and I have not felt any back pains since then. Click here to purchase the one I recommend.

3. Load the office refrigerator with groceries: When people think of groceries, they usually think about buying food for their home and for their kids but when you are in an office all day, your office becomes your second home so you need to intentionally purchase groceries for your week. Your groceries should be have more complex carbohydrates like vegetables and also proteins. Try to refrain from heavy carbs like pasta, rice, bread, chips and fast foods such as burgers, french fries, cheese steaks etc.. (The trick simple trick is to load your plate with your favorite vegetables and proteins and you will be fine). Get a whole food gift card today!

4. Limit your sugar intake: Just as snacks can make you vulnerable, sugar on the other hand is worse. Stress and hunger can trigger your cravings for sugary foods and sweet drinks so try to not have them around.

I have worked in settings where other staff would keep candy in their offices. Even though I did not have sugar or candy in my office, I still ate at least five pieces of candy a day. It is hard to control what your coworkers have in their office but you can control what goes in your mouth. If you are a candy person, it will help to replace them with fruits that resemble candy or that can replace sweets in your grocery list. Some examples include grapes, oranges, berries tomatoes and even carrots. Additionally, lemon can help with reducing sugar cravings so having lemon in your tea and water can help with reducing those mid day sugar cravings. Also keeping a water container close to your desk. This will help with reducing your hunger and craving for sweet drinks. ( Need meal prep Tupperware? click here)

4. Let your goals be known: I know it can be weird talking about weight loss or your desire to stay in shape at work but it may help to discus your fitness goals with your coworkers. Whether it is loosing weight or being healthier, it will be helpful to have someone that would keep you accountable. You may also find that many other coworkers share the same goal with you and they can help remind you about your goals on those very difficult days. Additionally, sharing your goals with a coworker can mentally keep you accountable.

5. Go for walks during your lunch or break: It is easy to relax and stay inside during your lunch break but taking at least 15 minutes to walk can help increase your heart rate, burn some extra calories, and relieve some stress.

I know it can be very difficult to juggle life, work and family but try to set aside an hour to workout for at least three days a week. Click here to check out my recommended grocery list.


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